EPRO Systems Limited (EPRO), a listed company in Hong Kong, has a subsidiary group of companies offering a full range of services and solutions in the IT&C filed. Established in 1985 in Hong Kong
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫易寶系統有限公司

5年工作經驗 專業的服務態度 價錢實惠
l設計 / 電腦動畫lempnpower1000

The I Consulting Group Limited (ICG) is a Hong Kong based company with service coverage in Singapore, London and Guangzhou . Being successful in today's world of business requires intelligence, innov
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫I Consulting Group Limited

Established in 1989, Infocan's business focus is to provide information technology enabling and skills transfer services to organization users. Enable means to turn hardware and software products int
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Infocan Computer (H.K.) Ltd.

Business operations are very complicated today impelling specific application functions and features becoming more and more demanding. Nevertheless, ready-made software applications may not fulfill a

Telesales Executive -positions based in Petaling Jaya ~ Agensi Pekerjaan prestasi unggul Make outbound calls/presentation and convince clients . Requirements: SPM/Diploma/Degree Communication skills

Company Mission ServiceTech (Hong Kong) Limited specializes in planning, developing and implementing Management Solutions. We offer BMC Business Service Management (BSM) product suite as a core, and

we specialize in the design,creation and production of multimedia projects and printed matter. Multimedia design crosses the territory of electronic design and printed matter.To successfully approach
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫柏靈科技有限公司

Telemax and Associates Ltd. is a private company focused on the turnkey system design for digital signage, kiosk and supply of display equipment. Telemax develops open system-based meeting room system
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫聯創有限公司

We are an electronic components distributor and out-sourcing service provider. Since 1977, we have been principally in the components distribution and trading business for various segments of the ele
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫嘉靈電子有限公司

Company profile United Networks is operated by United Network Solutions Limited, which was formed by I.T. experienced professionals with over 18 years backgrounds in information systems management an

24小時吸糞通渠公司電話:97157918 服務地區: 1.港島區:香港仔、利東村、黃竹坑、薄扶林、上環、西環、中環、銅鑼灣、灣仔、跑馬地、炮台山、北角、太古、鰂魚涌、筲箕灣、柴灣...等2.九龍區:尖沙咀、佐敦、油麻地、旺角、太子、長沙灣、荔枝角、美孚、九龍城、九龍塘、黃大仙、彩虹、慈雲山、秀茂坪、觀塘、將軍澳、寶琳...等 3.新界區:荃灣、葵涌、沙田、大圍、大埔、粉嶺、上水、屯門、元朗、天水

Ks IT Consultant Limited offers full product development by our experienced team. We offer complete application analysis, design and production at affordable rates. We can expedite your request to be
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫榮發資訊科技顧問有限公司

AZONIC SOLUTION Ltd., formerly known as CDMA Technology Laboratory Ltd., was founded in 1999 by graudate students and instructors majoring in computer science. With combined experienced accumulated I
A手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫AZONIC SOLUTION Ltd.

承接任何舖頭,寫字樓及住宅,鋁片假天花間隔裝修工程等,歡迎查詢 : 55270667
商業 / 裝修工程玻璃門維修中心

商業,零售,住宅進行室内設計及裝修工程服務 室內設計、代客繪圖、AutoCAD圖、 高品質3D效果圖 、3D Rendering 承接各類大小室內設計裝修工程,代客出圖,住宅及商業設計,或個人小業主想自行裝修和小量設計出圖給師傅施工 上門實地度尺,繪畫CAD平面圖,天花燈圖,電圖,傢私圖,3D效果圖,歡迎報價查詢 可提供以往作品及項目圖紙參考,認為合適才做, 任何查詢, 隨時聯絡 610
設計 / 室內設計Bounzy Planet Design Studio

Our Mission : Providing Peace-of-mind Technology & One-Stop Tailor-made Services to Customers About us: As a member in a group, Mactronic Business Systems Ltd. (MBS) has been established since 11
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫美加商業系統有限公司

Sedna is the pioneer technology firm that applies RFID technology in supply chain and logistics field. Since our inception, we have been dedicating to use software engineering to solve complicated pr
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫思納系統有限公司

BeansLink’s name originates from our initial technology focus, JavaBean software development; while we have redefined the meaning as effectively linking our clients to their suppliers, partners
B手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫BeansLink International Limited

租課室 及 多用途活動室 (太子/旺角火車站),課室,場地出租,大小課室 可容納60人; 鄰近九龍塘名校, 花墟, 火車站 交通方便
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